Hi Melissa, this is exciting! I also got my nutrition qualification from CNM as a mature student a few years ago. I was a graphic designer so Biomed was a shock to the system! It was the best thing I did for myself though - ‘tired but alive’ sums it up. My study time was also limited with a full-time job, so I used to record myself reading the course notes and listen to them on-the-go, everywhere 😅 Good luck, it will be an intense 4 years but so worth it x

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Dina, that is such a fantastic tip! It crossed my mind to do so and then I thought it might put me off having to listen to my own voice BUT I need to get over myself and do it. Brilliant advice thank you thank you!

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I know what you mean, it was a bit cringe listening to my own voice, but as long as no one else was listening, it did the job 😅 Feel free to DM if you have other questions along the way. Enjoy!

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Hi Melissa, congratulations on signing up with CNM! I’m a fellow mature student in my second year (Nutrition 1) and there are lots of us all realizing our dreams. It really is never too late to start doing something you are passionate about. Good luck with your first Biomed exam!

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Hello Fiona, lovely to hear from you. How are you finding the second year compared to biomedicine? Will it get a bit easier?! Any study tips! Glad you’re enjoying it

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This was such a pleasure to read. This also came at such a perfect time for me. I have been toying with the idea of going back to school for a long time, and I have been starting that process this month. I've already come up against some snags which has made me think maybe it's too late and I shouldn't do it....BUT after reading this I feel a little push to keep going. Thank you!

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I love a sign :) I made a list of all the snags and all the reasons to and not and did that repeatedly over the years and then took the plunge this time last year and so glad I did. Good luck with making the best decision for you!

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Thank you! I will be plunging!

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This is brilliant news Melissa! I loved studying nutritional medicine many years ago and while I don't practice 1-2-1 anymore, the course and all the learning was really life changing and I am still obsessed with geeking out it all and weave it into my work in different ways now so it's with you for life once you embark on that journey. Excited to see where it takes you and very good luck xxx

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Thanks for your message Emma. I’ve no doubt what I learn will help me out and nourish me and those I love in so many ways

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Hi Melissa!

I’ve been following you on Instagram for a while and now joined substack so I could read this entry about the nutrition course! I love your recipes and approach to life and food by the way. Anyway, i just wanted to ask you a couple of questions re the course, as you’re now a year in. I am considering doing it myself you see - I am very interested in nutrition especially as it relates to brain health (I too have adhd and have had various bouts of depression and anxiety throughout my life.) I also have worked in food for a while now so a nutrition course would complement my work very nicely. I was wondering a little bit about the nature of the course…I did read in the breakdown about it covering ‘detoxing’ and felt a little bit unsure when I read this. When I hear the words cleanse and detox I feel a bit suspicious because these were words banded about years ago by people in the wellness industry with no science to back up such practises (such as juice cleansing) I suppose I am little wary of doing a course which is in any way biased to a certain sort of eating rather than one that teaches straight scientific facts. Your feedback would be really really helpful! Thank you and I look forward to making this yummy soup. Katie


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Having studied at CNM, albeit about 10 years ago now, I can answer this question. Detoxing refers the natural detoxification processes of the body, i.e. liver and kidney detoxification. My lecturers were always clear that you can do things to support these natural processes, i.e. increase intake of certain nutrients and nutritional compounds, and to be wary of anything that claims to 'detox' you. Hope this helps!

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Thanks Le’Nise! Appreciate you sharing

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Hello! That’s super helpful to know, thank you

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Thank you Le’Nise!

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Hi Katie, welcome to Substack. Hope you have fun on here. Lots of lovely writers and readers to discover. I see what you mean re detox and cleanse, I don’t know what part of the course it’s in but it’s not covered in this first year which is Biomedicine that I’m on now. I think it’s worth talking to someone at the college who can best talk you through the whole course better than me. They’re good in my experience at swift email replies. Hope you enjoy the soup Katie!

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Melissa thank you for your reply! I did indeed talk to someone from CNM who was very helpful. ☺️

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First up, thanks for the amazing recipes! Always delicious. I feel your post very timely as I have been toying with starting a nutrition course for years. I have a degree in social sciences, no hard science background. I began a Masters access course and though fascinating didn’t finish due to family commitments. Struggling to get on board a course without science background and at 52, being put off by the effort (thanks peri-meno!) Almost started at CNM (did the interviews) but felt the course not quite for me. What gave you that push? You already have an envious career in food! Any words of encouragement or tips at looking at other courses? Desperate for a change but all feels too hard!

Good luck with the course and the exams!! X

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I loved the idea of the baseline biomedicine course and the fact that we can defer each year or decide to do in person or online each year, liked that flexibility. As would like to have another child (fingers crossed). I love my career in food and do lots of workshops and conferences to expand my knowledge but spent last 20 years wanting to get my teeth stuck in! And I think last year, in January, I said to myself its never going to be perfect timing so lets do it, I didnt want to go into another January regretting.

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Hope that rambling thought process helped. Try the open day? Maybe find some ex students to chat too. For the other courses you tried, what a shame about not giving you a chance without science background, was there something they suggested to give you the science background??

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Ah thanks for your reply! Yes, the CNM course sounded great for the flexibility, there’s not a lot of other courses that provide that. I wanted a qualification that would enable me to get on the path of a registered nutritionist so as to be differentiated from the “1 month wonder” charlatans you see so many of, but I don’t know if that is so relevant? Some of the other courses provided access courses but those were 2 years long & almost as expensive! I’m not getting any younger!

What do you think you may do with it, will you set up a clinic as well as your other work?!

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Not sure yet what I’ll do! Trying to keep options open and see where I’ll be in 4 years time :)

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Well done and good luck!

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Thank you Ana

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Congratulations! Your newsletter gave me a boost, I am on a similar path - started a masters last year at 38 and spent a couple of years in lead up doing part-time prerequisites. I also had a career plan in school but at 22 just stopped pursuing it, for reasons that have plagued me since but I understand a bit better now.

Wishing you clarity and confidence for your exams!

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thanks so much Rachelle. Clarity and confidence, I love that. And same to you with your masters, that’s incredible

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Melissa , I’m so thrilled that you are back studying something you are so passionate about. This really cheered me up ! Wishing you all the best for your degree.

I’m in my mid 50s and retraining as a counsellor - it’s never too late ! Xx

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Go Michelle! This is wonderful to hear. Have you any study tips? The world needs more great counsellors. Thank you

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The biggest study tip I’d give myself ( and which I’m sure is relevant to many of us) is to let go of some of my perfectionism ! Assignments don’t need to be ( and never will be) perfect ! X

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agree! The weight of perfectionism

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I love this!! Congrats Melissa. I’m so thrilled you are doing something that obviously you find rewarding and enriching. As someone who did a mid career shift, it’s always nerve wracking but following your heart you can never go wrong. And I truly believe the universe steps in and supports us when we are brave enough to follow our dreams. Good luck with it all! Xx

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And your mid career shift, wowza! Thanks for your lovely message x

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That is brilliant and it really is never too late. I did a similar thing when I was 50 in lock down. I had been interested in nutrition since before my children were born and when my second child was 7 months I looked at all the courses but didn’t commit had another child and was busy. He is now 21. I qualified last March and have been setting up ever since. Such an exciting time to be doing it. Good luck Emma

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Congrats on qualifying Emma. Fantastic news. And good on you for living the long held dream. Wishing you all the best

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Stunning! A great move - I have always found making a good decision for yourself lowers those stress levels. And this recipe looks wonderful! Perfect brain food!

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Thanks cecilia. Yes batch cooked brain food is a must!

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You’re a bloody inspiration. Good luck with the exams x

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Ah thanks so much. I’ve got a exam countdown schedule and not feeling too nervous, more excited. Let’s see!

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Well this is exciting news!! Good luck x

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Thank you!!!

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bloody brilliant news. Im so proud of you xxx

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Thank you so much Donna. You are forever my inspiration

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Hello Rachelle, what’s your masters in? That’s amazing. That’s a great word “plagued”, it felt amazing when I signed up and did it. As if all those years of regretting were relieved 🥹

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