Hi Madaleine, thanks for your question. I find that cooking with the seasons constantly keeps me inspired so right now I’m loving my squash, leafy greens and mushrooms and all the veg that comes in my weekly veg box. And I try and challenge myself to eat a different bean a week as it’s so easy to become dependent on chickpeas and black beans but beans are so great for us and diversity in our diets is so good for keeping things interesting and our guts love it!
Hi Melissa! How do you overcome a lack of inspiration in the kitchen?
Hi Madaleine, thanks for your question. I find that cooking with the seasons constantly keeps me inspired so right now I’m loving my squash, leafy greens and mushrooms and all the veg that comes in my weekly veg box. And I try and challenge myself to eat a different bean a week as it’s so easy to become dependent on chickpeas and black beans but beans are so great for us and diversity in our diets is so good for keeping things interesting and our guts love it!